The most prestigious award of the Exhibition
The Grand Prix is the highest distinction of the Exhibition. It rewards the most promising invention that addresses a global issue.
Ms. Sumaiya Al Siyabi, Oman
ECOSPHERE, a product that uses biology and nanotechnology to degrade microplastics in aquatic organisms.
Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France, and Moldova State University
A non-toxic molecule which strengthens bees against external aggressions.
2021, 2022
Special editions
The International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva did not award any prizes in 2021 and 2022 due to the special and virtual editions.
GRST Holdings Limited, Hong Kong
The first recyclable car battery.
Ms. Carly SY LAM and Mr. Chi Ho TO, Hong Kong
DIMS, spectacle lens with multiple “micro-lens segments” project myopic defocus and provides clear vision for the wearer simultaneously. That can slow myopia progression in children by 60%.
Mr. Tantibundhit and his team, Thailand
Screening for diabetes by a simple photograph of the retina coupled with software that makes an immediate diagnosis.
Company CATHAY PHOTONICS of the Baptist University of Hong Kong
Method for applying a thin layer of sapphire onto a glass surface to reinforce it.
Company VITARGENT, Hong Kong
Their no-animal in vivo testing method using transgenic fish eleutheroembryos.
Company Irewind SA, Switzerland
Camera system which can follow a movement, recognise it and return it instantly in the form of a customised film to anyone who owns a smartphone.
Company MBTelecom, Romania
Method and system for inspecting airplanes, regardless of their size. Designed for customs, armies, airports and airlines to X-ray a plane, in order to improve security.
Company Rehab Robotics, Hong Kong
Robotic Hand of Hope – A Hand Rehabilitation System. Made of aluminium, it is designed for people having had a cerebral attack and allows them to recover motor capacity in their hands, with just the power of thought.
Company AYTON for Howasu FloodStop, Switzerland
Mobile system for protection against flooding: buildings are protected against incoming water easily and fast.
Mrs. Celia Sanchez-Ramos Roda, Spain
System for identifying a person, based on ocular biometry. Uses the variations of corneal topography as identification data.
Company MBTelecomLtd S.R.L., Romania
ROBOSCAN – ROBOtic SCANner designed for X-ray trucks and containers in a fully automated sequence. Remotely controlled, it avoids human presence inside the area and high risk of professional or accidental exposure to ionized radiations.
INCASOLUTION, Republic of Korea
Software and multiple plug allowing absolute control of the consumption of electricity in stand-by mode.
Mr. Guido AZZOLIN, from the company MECCANICA BREGANZESE, Italy
Mechanical shovel whose skip allows materials to be scooped up and reduced into pebble-sized pieces.
Ms. Chantara Thevy RATNAM & Mr. Khairul ZAMAN, Malaysia
Process for manufacturing medical instruments. It is achieved without using toxic or carcinogenic material and the medical materials can, if necessary, be re-sterilised.
ABC Tec, France
Ecological cleaning process for boats’ hulls.
Mechanical shovel whose skip allows materials to be scooped up and reduced into pebble-sized pieces.
Mr. Renat AKCHURIN and alea, Russia
Portable kit for heart operations. This allows operations on a still-beating heart. For operating theatres as well as rural hospitals.
Company - STYFOLOGIE- CENTER, Switzerland
Body statics measuring system for detecting physical imbalances in the human body.
Mr. José Luis LLEO-FAURA, Spain
ROOTER POT, a mechanical flower pot for fast development or the roots of trees, bushes and all kinds of plants in just 2 to 3 months.
Company – GEODESIGN, Sweden
“Aqua Barrier”, a system for stopping floods using ordinary wooden palettes.
ANGEL & COMPANY, Quebec, Canada
Alarm system detecting the sounds and movements in young babies.
MM APUNEVICH Alexandr & TITARENKO Evgeny, Russia
Portable water and plasma apparatus designed to cut ferrous and non-ferrous metals, to solder and braze steel and copper, to fuse and heat different substances.
RO-BUST, compact, easy-to-use equipment for splitting rocks and boulders.
Company SORELEC, France
Low consumption multi-piston water pump for wells and boreholes with different flow rates and depths.
Mr. Max ROGMANS, the Netherlands
Invention of a combined “air-liquide” filling system for medical pressure-relief cushions.
Mr. WANG Xiang Sheng, China
Micro-processor for diagnosis of heart disease.
Mr. Dieter Meier et Heinz Ruppert, company ZEMENTSCHAUM-TECHNIK INTERNATIONAL Gmbh, Germany
Invention and development of a machine capable of producing cement foam in a single operation. The material thus created allows the construction of prefabricated elements or light but stable buildings.
Mr. Christian Diat, France
Apparatus particularly effective in the cleaning of works of art or facades It easily removes graffiti or pollution deposited on stones.
Bennie Olde Heuvel and Gert Timmermans, The Netherlands
Continuously variable transmission system mounted on a bicycle.
Mr. Gérard Pavard et Mr. Jack Sagot, France
Relief marker pencil for the blind and visually impaired.
Gudmar Olovson, Sweden
"Spearbut", the screw button that attaches without thread or needle.
Mr. Bernard Pillot, France
Wheelchair for the handicapped "Living upright". This revolutionary medical device allows people who are condemned to a seated position due to paralysis of the lower limbs (paraplegia, tetraplegia) to reach a standing position at will, in a few seconds and without outside help, and thus to return to an almost normal life.
Mr. Jean Fritsch, France
Magnetic system for the quick and safe fixing of light bulbs for lighting purposes the bulb is dressed at its base with a simple sleeve receiving a metal plate, whereas the new socket is made up of only two magnets embedded in injected plastic.
Mr. Walter Schupbach, Switzerland
Three-dimensional stereophonic system, reproducing sounds with an unprecedented fidelity to date using a single speaker. Based on a new hyperbolic line and a sound reflection system against a stable wall, this concept is inspired by Thomas Young's (1773-1829) two-slit experiment in quantum physics. This inspiration led to the development of Stereolith, with an adaptation of its formula in acoustics, with a sound propagation speed of 345 meters per second at 20 degrees.
Mr. Bao-Shen Liu, Taïwan
Multi-functional vernier ruler allowing the precise control of external or internal angles of a part and all measurements of widths, depths... This small, revolutionary design instrument includes various accessories that facilitate most of the functions used in technical drawing.
Company Symtol Engineering Ltd., England
High expansion foam generator for the most effective firefighting. A mixture of harmless chemical liquid and water is blown into the generator, which produces 135 m3 of foam per minute. This is up to 950 times the volume of the original liquid.
Mr. René Nolot, France
Particle distribution method allowing, among other things, to sow with a very high precision seeds of different shapes and sizes per unit. Thanks to a pneumatic device, the seeds are sucked into the soil at the chosen rate, which can vary between 1'000 and 26'000 per hour.
Mr. John W. Cruse, England
Sowing method consisting of a simple seed drill in which the vegetable seeds are placed in suspension in a liquid gel. This gel loaded with seeds up to 8mm in diameter is deposited in a regular manner in the furrow, a device of the seeder allowing it to be covered with fine soil.
Mr. Georges Aubert, France
Automatic chain for continuous cutting and evisceration of pigs without any manual intervention. This set of machines, whose revolutionary character has been pointed out by several specialists and slaughterhouse managers, offers considerable advantages: reduction of about 50% of the time needed for these operations, absolute hygiene, and easier sanitary control. The line can process between 290 and 300 pigs per hour.
Mr. Franco Sala, Italy
Device for infallibly detecting the accidental and temporary defrosting of products to be stored at temperatures below 0°C It consists of a small plastic capsule, with an insignificant appearance, which changes colour irreversibly as soon as the "cold chain" is interrupted, or modified by heating only a few degrees, between the producer and the consumer.
Mr. Pierre Baude, French residing in Switzerland
New solar cells with photovoltaic effect to lower the cost of electricity from the sun or ambient light from CHF 11 to CHF 1 per watt. It is the new material used and the manufacturing technique of the cells that allow this dramatic reduction in the price of electricity and a higher appointment than conventional systems.
Mr. Ngo Van Chuc, France
Electronic device used to listen to or record remotely and wirelessly any installation that reproduces sound: Hi-Fi system, radio, tape recorder, television... This revolutionary device makes it possible to pick up and amplify sounds up to a distance of 80 metres using a radio or other installation equipped with frequency modulation.
Mr. Angelo Caffa, Italy
A system of retractable metal beams of variable length, formed by links and supporting panels that allow for the watertight covering of surfaces that need to be both open air and covered. These links, contained in strips in a store, unroll and fit into a device to form a rigid frame.
European Propulsion Company, France
Active magnetic bearing system consisting of electromagnets for operating rotors in magnetic suspension or for replacing ball and fluid bearings. Characterized by the absence of any mechanical contact, silent operation and the possibility of very high rotational speeds, active magnetic bearings are used in precision measuring devices, centrifuges, compressors and any system that does not tolerate vibrations.
Dr. in medicine Roland Doerig, Switzerland
Apparatus for preserving and transporting living organs for transplantation. This is the first independent, fully automatic, portable device that can keep two organs under permanent infusion for 24 hours.
Mr. Ali Sekhavat, Iran
Nuclear seismograph for recording seismic waves and detecting earthquakes in advance.
Company International Promotion Engineering, Spain
Portable apparatus generating alternatively cold or heat, usable in medicine, cosmetics, computer science, toy manufacture, etc.